Developing a Funding Proposal for the UN Global Compact Office

Established in 2000, the UN Global Compact has grown into an international network involving the UN and more than 4,500 business participants and stakeholders from approximately 120 countries, leading to increasing demands and expectations. The rising profile of the UNGC has also invited greater scrutiny and expectations with respect to improved accountability and transparency. In 2007, King Zollinger was asked to support the UN Global Compact Office to devise a funding proposal to donor governments for the next 3-year phase that responds to these challenges. In close collaboration with the team in New York, Urs Zollinger suggested an outline for a new funding proposal, provided methodological guidance with regard to the definition of objectives, success indicators, activities and outputs. Particular attention was given to the setting of clear priorities, the allocation of financial resources and staff time to the achievement of the different objectives. Contact: Urs Zollinger